[Factory price] A Secret in Aluminum Panel Industry

[<span class ="tr_" id="tr_4" data-source="" data-orig="Cladding Panels Factory Price">Cladding Panels Factory Price</span>] <span class ="tr_" id="tr_5" data-source="" data-orig="A Secret In Aluminum Panel Indutry">A Secret In Aluminum Panel Indutry</span>

Alumídeas é uma aluminum facade manufacturer com 12 years of experience in manufacturing. Neste artigo, we will analyze aluminum cladding panel prices from a factory perspective

Choosing the right facade material for building exterior wall projects has always been the most concerned issue for engineers, designers and many other house owners. Different project budgets and designs mean different options for exterior wall panel materials. Experience tells that aluminum panel for wall cladding is usually a good choice.

Price has always been one of the first concerned things when people purchase aluminum cladding panels. In an order, it may not be the most important, because there are many other factors that will affect customers’ choice, but there is no doubt that in the end, all factors will be reflected in the price.

We receive many inquiries every day and answer thousands of questions about price. We get it.

In order to allow potential buyers, or people who are interested in aluminum sheets, to have a general understanding of the prices of our products, we write this article.

The first thing to note is that the price of aluminum panels will be adjusted according to the price of raw materials, and there are many other factors that will affect the specific price. The prices we provide below are for reference only, you can ask our staff for specific prices. All of the price is based on July 19, 2022. If the price changes greatly in the future, we will update it in time.

aluminum raw material price

What do aluminum panels actually cost?

Before that, it should be noted that the following prices are for regular aluminum panels, such as square aluminum ceilings.

Interior Decorative Panel

For some special-shaped plates, such as diamond panels, 3D special-shaped panels, or customized painéis decorativos interiores, please ask our staff for quote.

Aluminum plates

Aluminum plate

The price per square meter ranges from $20.56 para $59.56.

Aluminum plates refer to the aluminum panel without doing any kind of surface treatment such as powder coating or PVDF spraying. The factors that affect the price are mainly the price of aluminum ingots, the thickness of aluminum sheets and also aluminum temper. As introduced in the article “Chemical Physical Properties of Aluminum”: 3003 grade plate is about 20% stronger than 1100 grade aluminum plate, meaning that when in production, the scrape rate will be higher, which will increase the price. Many customers want to buy aluminum plates and process them by themselves. We do not recommend doing so, because the placas de alumínio are easily scratched during transportation, which will affect the effect of subsequent powder spraying or fluorocarbon paint.

Punching panels/Ordinary engraving panels

Ordinary Engraving Panel
Punching Panel 1

The price per square meter of punching panels or ordinary perforated panels ranges from $27.70 para $78.23.

There are so many options that will increase the price. Por exemplo, some may need thicker aluminium wall cladding panels in 4mm or even 5mm; some people need single-sided powder-coated aluminum punching panels, and some people need double-sided aluminum facade panels sprayed with PVDF paint.

Geralmente, under the same thickness, the price of powder coating panels will be lower than that of fluorocarbon paint. Precise price will be determined according to the specific requirements of the project.

Laser-cutting panels

laser-cutting panel

Prices per square meter range from $29.95 para $80.49.

The price of laser-cutting panels will be higher than that of ordinary engraving panels. This is because laser-cutting panels require more advanced laser engraving which will increase the accuracy and greatly shortens processing time, but the cost will increase accordingly.

There are many factors that affect the price, such as the price of the aluminum ingot, grossura, tratamento da superfície, and special installation accessories.

Special installation accessories

rib reinforcement with patterns 2
rib reinforcement with patterns

Geralmente, our installation accessories are aluminum corner codes and rib reinforcement. For more information, just read this articleAcessórios de Instalação de Painéis de Alumínio.

Special installation accessories mainly refer to rib reinforcement that are thicker or need to be hollowed out the same as the aluminum panels ordered.

Geralmente, the thickness of the rib reinforcement is 1.0mm. If it needs to be thickened, the price will be $5 para $20 higher than the original. If the rib reinforcement need to be punched or perforated in order not to be seen from the front of aluminum panels, the price will be about $8 para $15 more expensive.

Again, the prices in the article are for reference only. Atualmente, the price of aluminum ingots is erratic and at a relatively high price. If the price of aluminum ingots falls sharply, it is a good time to place an order. Don’t miss it.

If you want to know more, send an inquiry to us by mail or other means. Get quote now!

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Alumideas é um fabricante de fachadas de alumínio na China. Fornecemos uma solução completa para seus projetos de revestimento decorativo interno e externo. Peça um orçamento agora!

Entraremos em contato com você dentro 1 dia de trabalho, preste atenção ao e-mail com o sufixo “@www.alumideas.com”.

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